
Janis Saffell Brand New Butt and More (2005) Review

Janis Saffell Brand New Butt and MoreI think Janis is selling herself short with the title - this is really an all-over body toner, not just a glute workout.She does work the glutes though (really works them!) but also includes some great upper body work too.
You begin with the 7 min warm-up, then into 30 min standing sculpting.This is almost aerobic with lunges, squats, plies and deadlift "combos" - but Janis also ads in some great upper body work so you are working upper/lower at the same time.
TIP: to do the deadlifts properly place a weight plate or 1/2" plank under the ball of your foot (just under the toes) and this will force your glutes to do all the work, not your back. If you don't want to put something under your toes, make sure all your weight is IN YOUR HEELS (like when doing a squat). If you learn to place weight on your heels rather than the ball of the foot you shift the emphasis into the glutes rather than lower back and quads.
After the standing work there is 18 mins of floor toning.I love this part - and it is great for those who have bad knees. It is almost a pilates workout but does effectively tone.I recommend newer exercisers just do this section after the warm-up then add the standing sculpting when this no longer leaves you sore.Ends with a 5 min stretch.

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Product Description:
You too can have finer firmer buns, thighs and sleek looking arms. Put yourself to the test with this potent full body toner. It's not only for your derriere but maximizes core strength, designed to strengthen and flatten your midsection, and provides 60 minutes of pure sweat for both your upper and lower body. This workout is challenging exercises. Ankle weights and dumbbells may be added to increase the intensity of your workout.
Janis is known world-wide for her innovative workouts and presentations. She is accredited by AFAA, ACE, NASM and AAA/I. She is a featured star of ESPN 2,and star of 19 top-rated fitness videos. She is also the sports wear designer for Couture Active Wear.Janis Saffell is Fitness expert for QVC, Shape, Fitness, Self, and Fit magazines.

Total Workout: 60 Minutes

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