
Caribbean Workout: Abs, Buns & Thighs/Core Pilates (2007) Review

Caribbean Workout: Abs, Buns and Thighs/Core PilatesI purchased this set for the Abs, Buns & Thighs workout and found that I loved the Core Pilates even better!With three 20 minute segments it is easy to fit in a pilates workout at any time.The music is relaxing and the moves are challenging but not difficult. I really like the instructors and feel they talk you through the movements very well which is great for beginners. Overall I noticed that you get out of it what you put into it. So if you really focus on the stretching and the muscles you are working on you get a better workout.This was my first Pilates workout ever. I eventually took a Pilates course and am a certified pilates instructor, but I prefer the caribbean workout pilates because when I am done I feel I worked my core well, but I am very relaxed due to the atmosphere in the video.
The cardio dvd (abs, buns, thighs) is good, but I have no coordination for those type of workouts LOL, and felt there wasn't enough review on the moves before we had to put them all together.

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